Hello Class of 2026! Welcome to your first year of high school. Although it may be scary for some of you, it is going to be a new, fun, experience with your friends. The senior class this year had some advice for all of you on how they got through high school, and how you can too.
“Don’t worry what people think of you. Just do you! Get your work done, ASK QUESTIONS, the teachers are NOT mean! Try to stay positive and you got it! Good luck this year, you’re going to do great!” -Brooke Trinidad, 12.
“I surrounded myself with good people and worked hard.” -Alana Podgorski, 12.
If you’re not in any sports or extracurriculars, get involved in Art Club or Drama Club or any club that interests you! You are sure to find someone who has the same tastes as you do. -AJ Ringer, 12.
“Another big thing is personal hygiene! Nobody wants to smell you, if you forget products to help prevent body odor, just ask! There are plenty of people that carry and are willing to share their deodorant. Take care of yourself.” -Lindsey Pickering, 12.